Implant In a Day
Same day dental implants Chicago, or “Implant in a Day” as it’s often called, is when a temporary crown is placed directly over an implant on the same day the implant has been placed. This service allows you to go home with a replaced tooth in one day. This is especially useful for anyone that has broken a front toott and wants to get it replaced before having to explain to all their friends and coworkers how they lost the tooth. Implant in a Day can help save you from some of those awkward conversations because few people will even notice that a tooth was missing in the first place.

Implant in a day is an option for some patients, but depends on what tooth is being replaced and a few other factors that will be considered and discussed with you during your free implant consultation. Implant in a day is usually a great option for patients that are replacing a tooth that was visible (near the front of the mouth). This will save you from having a big black space in your smile while the implant heals and the permanent crown is being crafted.
When it comes to the implant itself, there really is no difference when it comes to same day implants. The primary difference is the temporary crown (also called a “cap”) that sits over the implant and looks like a real tooth while the permanent crown gets created. The permanent crown is usually ready in just a few short weeks.
Are You A Candidate For Dental Implants
Is “Implant in a Day” Right For You?
The first step in the implant process is a free consultation. The dentist or oral surgeon will examine your bone structure to determine if dental implants are an option. If needed, additional services such as bone grafting may be available to help build up and strengthen the bone surrounding the implant. Bone loss can increase over time and increases at a higher rate in areas of the jaw that are missing teeth.
Wan to learn more about Same Day Dental Implants Chicago? Come visit us for a free, no-commitment consultation at any 1st Family Dental location.

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Why Should I Go to 1FD Implant Centers in Chicago and the Chicago suburbs?
1FD Implant Centers take a patient-oriented approach, complete with customized care and concierge-level service. We are not worried about if you have dental insurance; instead, we are only concerned with your best interests. If you are searching for personalized dental solutions and a first-class experience, we look forward to providing it!
We can help you find out if a surgical extraction is needed. Learn more today when you contact our team to schedule your complimentary implant consultation!